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Yamaha YM2612


michealtheratz 🙂 64 days ago

imagine if you could delete your status.cafe account

michealtheratz 🤖 271 days ago

Finally got my first phone. It's a used iphone 11. Still pretty good. I set up a nice purple home screen and downloaded btd6. Sill alone tho

michealtheratz 🙂 328 days ago

I am back from hiatus! Check out my new blog post!

michealtheratz ☀️ 394 days ago

Too lazy to make a blog post. Just wanna tell you guys that i am going on hiatus today. I will be back at the end of the summer!

michealtheratz 🌈 400 days ago

Today is my 8th grade graduation! These robes make me look like a cultist.