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I sit in my room and listen to lame nerd music all day


meriamory 🎶 1 hour ago

@padraig you should check out the demo The Answer Man, it's from when Rivers was in between his 80s hair metal and Beach Boys Nirvana phases

meriamory ✏️ 22 hours ago

can't something good happen to me for once

meriamory 🎮 1 day ago

what do you mean the different cars in mario kart have different stats i just wanted to look cool

meriamory 🎶 2 days ago

need to be back up so I can download weezer demos... grr.....

meriamory ✨ 3 days ago

we had our flight plans!! but we lost em!! were stuck in space now think we got a problem!!

meriamory 🌙 4 days ago

My english teacher is having us do art projects weekly, which I'm sure is great for those who can draw

meriamory 😴 5 days ago

anyone else on here like Weezer?