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he/him or wing/wings. i talk about my feelings, post song lyrics, & ramble about stuff i like (which is mostly phighting)


medkit 💤 142 days ago

tired once more

medkit 🍞 143 days ago

i love you french toast

medkit 💤 143 days ago

still tired

medkit 💤 143 days ago

tired again

medkit 😡 144 days ago

if i have to lay my eyes upon that "zuka~ they're waiting for you~" image one more time i am going to shoot someone & it very well could be

medkit 🙂 144 days ago

i carried the healing on team dove 🙏🙏 (joke)

medkit 🌙 144 days ago

update: guys i missed

medkit 🌙 144 days ago

feeling kind of mad right now.. i think i'm going to shoot at my wiley one only friend, wish me luck :-)

medkit 🙂 145 days ago

eating soup again

medkit 😇 146 days ago

welcome to "a generic convenience store". we are open 24 hours. place an item & talk to me to buy it (reference)

medkit 😶 146 days ago

why is showering the most energy extensive task i go in for a quick shower & come out legs shaking with a haunted stare in my gaze

medkit ❤️ 147 days ago

they let me hit because i'm it's yaoi angel . submit status

medkit 🥳 147 days ago

happy birthday hyperlaser phighting

medkit 😭 147 days ago

the day the phighting fandom stops being weird & ableist about the canon disabled characters is the day i'm truly happy

medkit 😱 148 days ago

get this twink off my pinterest feed. i want him DEAD.

medkit 🎨 148 days ago

the people appear to enjoy & support my artistic endeavours.. joy & whimsy abound

medkit 🥳 148 days ago

happy leap day! ^.^

medkit 🎶 149 days ago

so nice so smart by kimya dawson save me so nice so smart by kimya dawson

medkit ❤️ 150 days ago

area man got called "my angel" by girlboyfriend; 15 dead 34 injured

medkit 😛 150 days ago

"i think your horns would make a fabulous edition to my wall" & that, kids, is how NOT to flirt

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