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meddlingimp ✏️ 521 days ago

oof its been a while. i wanna see about revamping this webpage. it could be cleaner

meddlingimp ✏️ 616 days ago

new blog update! hi guys sorry it's been 3 months. the passage of time is a scary thing

meddlingimp 💤 636 days ago

migraine make me want to sleep

meddlingimp ☕️ 645 days ago

mental health day. time to update my site for self care reasons

meddlingimp 🔥 682 days ago


meddlingimp ✏️ 686 days ago

suddenly struck with the Need for Better Computer so... time to actually set up my comms i guess

meddlingimp 🌙 696 days ago

there's a power outage so don't expect too many updates from me until thursday :(

meddlingimp 🙂 698 days ago

wait, what do you mean it's sunday? that's ridiculous.

meddlingimp 🌈 699 days ago

feeling fantastically queer today (visited the unicorn feed and supply store)

meddlingimp 💤 700 days ago

ok i wrangled the site back into decent shape now i need to rest. if my margins are different between pages no they aren t <3

meddlingimp 💻 700 days ago

im fixing the site!! AAAAGH (sorry it looks broken)

meddlingimp 💤 701 days ago

do i HAVE to go to work... aggh

meddlingimp 💻 713 days ago

going to update the janky frame of my site sometime soon methinks. i want to try to mess with container backgrounds

meddlingimp 💀 713 days ago

i was expecting to hang out with friends tonight but literally everyone and their mom is having a stream

meddlingimp ✨ 716 days ago

happy do you wear wigs wednesday

meddlingimp 🔥 716 days ago

yarr, a pirate-ly fire be burnin' in me heart... wait, what do you mean it's past midnight?!

meddlingimp ✨ 718 days ago

doing website things instead of anything that i'm supposed to be doing, just like god intended

meddlingimp 💀 726 days ago

artfight consumed my whole life i completely forgot to keep working on my website

meddlingimp 💾 777 days ago

goddamn just finished needy streamer overload. what a game. what a game...

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