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maplebear πŸ“– 2 days ago

i need to read the new murakami book but i can't buy it right now and it's killing me !!

maplebear πŸ’» 7 days ago

studying with this new laptop is so so nice !! i'm so happy

maplebear 😢 29 days ago

i have nothing to do but can't decide what to do first

maplebear ❀️ 31 days ago

site updated!! ദࡍദി(β€’Μ€ α΄— -) ✧

maplebear πŸ«– 33 days ago

i want tea but like someone make it for me

maplebear πŸ«– 42 days ago

baking my bf a chocolate cake for his bday tomorrow! (*α΄—ΝˆΛ¬α΄—Νˆ)κ•€*.゚

maplebear πŸ™ƒ 46 days ago

don't tell me your a vegetarian and then say you eat chicken and fish????? how does that work

maplebear 🍏 48 days ago

i'm at that stage of the month where all i want is a bag of sour candy

maplebear πŸ™‚ 49 days ago

the 504 time out error neocities has been giving me for two days is so annoyiiinggg :(

maplebear 🎁 49 days ago

one of my favourite stores open up in my city so i'll treat myself this afternoon !!

maplebear ✨ 51 days ago

got a lil bag of sweets to motivate me to unpack

maplebear β˜€οΈ 64 days ago

planning outfits for warm weather is my idea of hell

maplebear πŸ«– 65 days ago

time to make some tea and read with the sound of the rain outside

maplebear πŸ“š 69 days ago

wish goodreads had a button for a 'currently re-reading'

maplebear 🎨 71 days ago

paint by numbers got me addicted

maplebear β˜•οΈ 71 days ago

trying to figure stuff out

maplebear πŸ™‚ 85 days ago

feeling like today's weather (grey, rainy and with thunderstorms alert)

maplebear ❀️ 88 days ago

finally spring weather !! ✿ β™‘β‚ŠΛšβŠΉ

maplebear πŸ“Ί 89 days ago

unfortunately started watching the sopranos so now i'm addicted

maplebear ❄️ 91 days ago

is suppose to be spring and i'm wearing my jeans on top of my pj pants what the hell is this

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