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mani 📰 35 days ago

this writing shit got hands.. my godt.. save me

mani 🎲 47 days ago

happy caribbean heritage month. wheres the damn jamaican flag status emoji. i should be able to feel jamaican on here

mani 👀 104 days ago

3 outta 22 scenes written.. ehehee..

mani 😇 122 days ago

now what if i made a visual novel..

mani 🥰 147 days ago

finally sent webcomic drafts to betareaders.. traversion OTW !!!

mani 🛹 170 days ago

one month strong of working out i think!! need to incorporate skating in there soon

mani 🥺 192 days ago

two weeks strong of working out! big beefy mani otw..

mani 😭 212 days ago

tired.. zzz.. but things will be ok..

mani 🙃 257 days ago

ohhh i need to re-organize all my neocities files.... ~_~

mani 🥰 267 days ago

felt bad. had some water. maybe life is worth living..

mani 💔 271 days ago

had thee worst night last night but it's fine.. there's always another day..

mani 😴 274 days ago

realized the sides of my site revamp feel kinda bare LOL. so back to the drawing board... AGAIN!!

mani 😭 276 days ago

alright. okay. like 65% done w my site revamp now... now i need to do math hw LOL

mani 😡 278 days ago

ive worked on my neocities homepage revamp for WEEKS and im still only like 50% done w it

mani 😭 286 days ago

burnout not letting UP... better than i was in august but argh

mani 💻 322 days ago

my software engineering prof teaching us html as if i dont have a phd in neocities.. keh..

mani ✨ 370 days ago

everything will turn out for my good, methinks

mani 📰 455 days ago

i will get a job! i know i will !!

mani ✏️ 579 days ago

the new year will be alright.. and i shall make it so..

mani 🌈 598 days ago

things are on the up and up! the key is to be delusional and optimistic always

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