hanging out at Joyce's kitchen and the roommates are playing genius of love
- Homepage
- https://mametzwood.neocities.org
- milkday@protonmail.com
- About
- transgender little freak from england
fucked up that i have to keep eating and making food why hasn't humanity gotten around that
psycho killer qu'est-ce que fa fa fa
eating cold pizza at midnight i am simply living the dream
turns out one of my flatmates HASN'T LEFT YET it's like living in a haunted house death killing
not dead just very sleepy
it is so hot in my flat i am melting send help
working on adding the surprise section 2 my site... it has a little competition (its underground themed)
its so so hot out
just dyed my hair red helllll yeah
my mouse doesn't want to work today which is fine. i'll just commit murder.
now i wanna know the math on mushroom hunters finding bodies because there's a strong correlation to those two activities
i'd take up mushroom hunting but the odds of finding a body are too high
why is listening to voicemail so frightening???
suffering from hayfever