I'm happy now, even if I had to study from 5 AM up to 5 PM.
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I love personal web!
I love Frank Horrigan singing 'my way'.
My newest youtube video got just 12 likes and two comments and I'm seriously upset.
I finally figured out how my site blocker works. Probably.
What's better: Yotsubato, Homestuck or Spongebob?
I'll spend more time in personal web from now on!
This was a glorious day.,. I studied from 5 aM to 5PM and some after that.
I'm in a complete bliss right now.
I'm so comfy now...
World is a wonderfull place. You just need to choose what you actually NEED to see.
I'm so interested in something I absolutely detest. This is a weird feeling.
Reading Yotsubato while listenining to Bocchi the rock music id THE COMBO!
Situation in my country is becoming so tense and abstract, that I'm worried that a civil war might start.
I can't focus lately. I installed siteblockers to fix this. Social media are poison.
Youtube copyright policies are total trash.
I've lost. In spite of all my effort I lost. In spite of studying until 8, sometimen 9 PM. I've lost. I've failed.
My worst nightmare is coming through. but I'll fight. Fight to the last.
Things are going worse that I thought, but I'll fight till the end!
I love class of '09