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ma-t 🌱 253 days ago

updated the monthly views text, cleansed the site of christmas-ness (mostly)

ma-t 🌱 258 days ago

added an EXPANDED COPYRIGHT SECTION, i know it sounds like nothing and it looks bad but it took three days to make please give it a chance

ma-t 🌱 262 days ago

updated the weekly views text, added copyright infringement section to cosmetics page, it sucks rn but i’m planning something special

ma-t 🤔 266 days ago

turns out i didnt get back to updating the website soon™ so uh sorry i’m abusing orphans with adsterra instead

ma-t 🌱 270 days ago

added a BANDCAMP EMBED of a horrible album, and a “NO ENGLISH!NO ENGLISH!” button that allows you to read the website with emojis.

ma-t 🌱 271 days ago

added another soundcloud embed. will get back to working on the website soon

ma-t 🌈 271 days ago

working on something

ma-t 😎 272 days ago

corporate punishment

ma-t 🥗 273 days ago


ma-t 📚 274 days ago

let’s hope we can atleast emulate the experience for the future shitty worthless challanges to overcome we will call an achievement

ma-t 🥳 274 days ago

i’ll never be good enough

ma-t 🌱 275 days ago

added “thebest”, moved soundcloud embeds past and present to “thebest”, and added another soundcloud song

ma-t 🌱 276 days ago

changed the soundcloud song again, (GO+ IS BULLSHIT) improved css/moved the christmas tree, and my brother got murdered by a grapefruit.

ma-t 🎱 276 days ago

my skin is growing skin underneath its skin and it’s peeling off its original skin and every time it does this it gets closer to the flesh

ma-t 🌱 276 days ago

christmaez has started on ma-t ho ho ho

ma-t 💡 276 days ago

never mind i don’t feel like that no more

ma-t 🌮 277 days ago

are we punishing ourselves for some perceived guilt? am i entitled to tacos on a tuesday?

ma-t 🎶 277 days ago

six hours of sleep club

ma-t 🌱 277 days ago

added a gifypet (IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN), improved some stupid text on the home page, and changed the soundcloud song

ma-t 🌱 277 days ago

added seasonal css, improvements on all pages, and i ate salad at a mall