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lurns 🙃 1 day ago

i have no idea what i'm doing

lurns 🌧️ 50 days ago

sometimes the cloud is great, but today it's my enemy

lurns 🤔 84 days ago

too many men in 'men'

lurns 💀 168 days ago

cars are still so expensive

lurns 💀 228 days ago

cars are so expensive

lurns 🎷 238 days ago

rediscovered my pop punk playlist

lurns 🍾 241 days ago

turkey turnt

lurns 🎬 301 days ago

wow i was upset about ghost ship. the tsdw recap redeemed it for me.

lurns 🎬 317 days ago

i have no idea what the movie 'ghost ship' is supposed to be - started off so campy and then just fell off

lurns 🍱 333 days ago

it's sushi monday and while i'm psyched i want more flamin hot + sour cream ruffles

lurns 🧀 352 days ago

i just want to eat flamin hot + sour cream ruffles

lurns ✨ 380 days ago

my shiny teeth and me

lurns ✅ 494 days ago

eating all my fav meals this weekend 🦀🦐🌽🥔🍗

lurns 💀 498 days ago

cloud infrastructure is killing me

lurns 🙂 506 days ago

feelin like garbage right before my days off 🎵 life is unfair 🎵

lurns 🥱 536 days ago


lurns ❄️ 543 days ago

what the snow doin

lurns ❄️ 548 days ago

it's snowing the perfect amount to look nice but also not be a burden !

lurns 💔 551 days ago

i have been tracking these new balances for a month+ and now the only sizes missing are mine wtf

lurns 😭 554 days ago

there's too much to learn !!!

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