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lucas-dream-world 💔 370 days ago

my second neocities site just got banned for no reason and all my hard work was deleted. I'm incredibly pissed off.

lucas-dream-world 😎 374 days ago

working on my new secondary website which is related to my webshow

lucas-dream-world 😶 379 days ago

In love is such a weird Imood and it sounds so odd.

lucas-dream-world 😡 383 days ago

My friend threw me under the bus and did something horrible to me.

lucas-dream-world 🌙 385 days ago

looking at the moon :o (its still day but the moons there)

lucas-dream-world 🤒 385 days ago

my website reset it's self to an older version, removed the Music Player and readded the old Gif Of The Now. Plus i'm sick :/

lucas-dream-world 💻 385 days ago

finally put the status cafe on my website lol. im gonna get round to doing alot of updates soon cus my computer finally got fixed :)

lucas-dream-world ✈️ 385 days ago

finally put the status cafe on my website lol. im gonna get round to doing alot of updates soon cus my computer finally got fixed :)