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hello! i'm liz. check out my website!!

my current mood is: The current mood of lizonline at


lizonline 💾 11 days ago

Guess who is rebuilding her site with an SSG? (Hint: her name starts with L and she is often online)

lizonline 💾 12 days ago

Considering rebuilding my site from the ground up. I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning . . .

lizonline 💾 21 days ago

FINE I'll try an SSG. This is too convenient to be real.

lizonline 💾 22 days ago

LobCorp with the girlfie

lizonline 💾 23 days ago

Is it possible for your ears to be nauseous? I'm inventing new sensations. I've gone haywire

lizonline 💾 24 days ago

Everything I love comes back to metafiction, doesn't it.

lizonline 💾 24 days ago

I would really like to immortalize my LobCorp employees as beloved OCs to treasure and cherish and ship with the abnormalities. Perhaps.

lizonline 💾 24 days ago

Save me Theatre of Coolty. Save me Detective Pony. I'm really falling back in in the year of our lord 2024.

lizonline 💾 26 days ago

In my lineless era. There is NO drawing that needs lines

lizonline 💾 29 days ago

The illness

lizonline 💾 32 days ago

Not the lyrics but the cadence in which they're said.

lizonline 💾 35 days ago

WangXian would probably be my OTP if they were female in canon

lizonline 💾 45 days ago

Full to bursting with love for my OCs.

lizonline 💾 48 days ago

It was too hot to sleep. I fell asleep and dreamt that it was too hot to sleep. The sky was yellow from the flames. The ground was a mirror.

lizonline 💾 48 days ago

FUCK I've been chainsawpilled

lizonline 💾 50 days ago

I could probably make a script for this like the Zonelets script 🤔

lizonline 💾 50 days ago

Okay so creating and maintaining galleries on Neocities is just impossible. This is fine! This is fine by me haha!!

lizonline 💾 50 days ago

Love reading recs from the indie web

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