fucking annoying
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- love horror, and running my damn mouth. idgaf
after being bedridden for nearly 2 weeks, i can finally do shit again. albeit slow asf
weed again finally. i deserved a treat after going to the emergency room last week
seasoned fries are sex to me
need to go howling at the moon like the wolf i am
i may in fact have more disorders than i thought. who could have saw this coming?
chronic pain is so limiting, i miss being able to do my hobbies lol
my shit hurts so bad
so close to getting the yard remodel i want in neko atsume 2. fuck yessss bitch
listening to the ost for my favorite castlevania game and missing her dearly. curse of darkness you will always be fucking famous TO ME!!!!!
mysterious chest pains blehh
fries, weed, and watching a friend stream sh2 remake. lfg
STALE POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!!
the substance is one interesting ass movie.
had an assessment today for disability. think i flopped ngl
fucking love horror games. yes bitch
really missing the forest right now. wish i could just pack my shit up and go on a hike and camp out in a forest
wow for once my mood ain't crazy shit awful. lfg
piss me off when a band only got 1 good song
chillen fr