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lemonbaskets 🙂 39 days ago

javascript sucks so much, getElementByDeez('nuts') will you

lemonbaskets 🤔 80 days ago

people actually used discord as a file host?

lemonbaskets 🙂 82 days ago

i love opening 60 tabs at once and then wondering why my pc is freezing and dying

lemonbaskets 😎 92 days ago

we are so back (lying maybe)

lemonbaskets 🙃 132 days ago

i want to change the layout again ughhhh

lemonbaskets 💀 156 days ago

it's still 2023 in here man, i'll be updating soon

lemonbaskets ✨ 207 days ago

happy new year! hopefully this year i'll finally replace that placeholder image with an actual drawing

lemonbaskets 🙂 222 days ago

can't sit down to watch one movie, but can sit down to watch a 8 hour fnaf lore video

lemonbaskets 🙂 243 days ago

not a day goes by without thinking of stardew valley 1.6

lemonbaskets 🙂 264 days ago

media queries are so fun (spent two hours figuring out how to hide a div)

lemonbaskets 😴 266 days ago

woke up today and randomly decided to make the site responsive.. layout change again incoming

lemonbaskets 💻 279 days ago

i should probably make a landing page for the site, maybe include a small carrd like thing for mobile in it

lemonbaskets 😴 304 days ago

i want to do this year's inktober but i already have no idea what to do for the first prompt

lemonbaskets 🙃 345 days ago

just realized how dumb coding directly in the neocities editor is, gonna use brackets from now on

lemonbaskets 📱 350 days ago

updated twitter on mobile and it's X now... so dumb

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