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kojou 🐱 215 days ago

i got so into figuring out css grids i sat up in my bed from the laid back position i was in

kojou 🤔 229 days ago

2 separate potential layouts for my winter theme and i don't feel satisfied with either one :/

kojou 🌧️ 230 days ago

i am also being fought relentlessly by this final japanese presentation </3

kojou ❄️ 262 days ago

this essay is fighting me every single step of the way

kojou 🙂 263 days ago

writing essays sucks sometimes. also i can't stop thinking about fantasy worlds

kojou 🙂 265 days ago

went to my friend's band concert today!

kojou 🐱 270 days ago

thinking about chocolate chip cookies

kojou 🐱 311 days ago

sending apps to a bunch of fanlistings yippee

kojou 🙂 325 days ago

at last got inspiration and motivation to work on my website.. i think the autumn theme is coming together nicely!

kojou 💤 337 days ago

so exhausted and anxious... ah

kojou 💤 344 days ago

thinking about how much i have to do for my website and whew... with uni starting soon it will all have to be on hold indefinitely

kojou 🐱 351 days ago

finally trying to finish my summer theme, so i'm adding statuscafe for the first time!