I lied I am still awake because I need to study щ(ಥДಥщ)
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- Not defined
- elguerrero@posteo.net
- About
Always stressed, very online
A goddam prince
Pushed another thing out into the aether... now maybe sleep.
People often have therapists on speed dial, meanwhile, I have my pixel artist... 🥹
Welp just went through a git exercise in creating and removing submodules, that was fun!
That feeling when you fix a build error 👌🏽 and then another thing fails 💔
Received news that I got into a residency I applied for a while back! 🍀 So excited!
It's been four hours... SMTOWN LIVE is still going... I want to sleep...
Pulling another all-nighter... to watch SMTOWN Beyond LIVE. 🥲
I never remember my dreams
Scraping with Python is fun D:
The little details make me happy
Wew made my status page cute 🌸
All roads lead to re-learning Python
Planning the November BOOKBOOKAN!! ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ)
Added a now section! Suddenly, I have so many things I want to be doing.
Been quiet quitting since 2003
Starting to feel that old RSI burn on the mouse hand
Sometimes I just want to be the only one awake at this hour.
Aaaaand here comes the crash.