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kittyhighfive 🥱 138 days ago

somehow im awake but da house is empty.

kittyhighfive 🥱 145 days ago

i am so tired. ive never been more tired.

kittyhighfive 😡 146 days ago

im going to start biting people

kittyhighfive 😡 146 days ago

I HATE my stepmom i hope i get Bleach poisoning !!!!!!!!!

kittyhighfive ☕️ 147 days ago

i just drank the worlds most delicious scrumptious coffee

kittyhighfive 😭 148 days ago

i have so mcuh to doooo this weekend

kittyhighfive 😶 149 days ago

I saw my ex in the library and i got so anxious AUGH