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1997 FI freeter looking back to get in a creative mood


kinnikubaby 🙂 238 days ago

it should be illegal to for libraries to have desks without power plugs

kinnikubaby 🎱 270 days ago

i need to watch more anime and less tiktok

kinnikubaby 🎤 277 days ago

when they tell you they live in a commune but then describe what's essentially just Being Roommates

kinnikubaby 💤 289 days ago

art history students love to declare intertextuality and decolonialism only to write their thesis on some white male classical sculptor

kinnikubaby 🥹 291 days ago

Started my new minimum wage job today at a prestige museum

kinnikubaby 💀 296 days ago

restless and bored at the same time!!!

kinnikubaby ✨ 308 days ago

having so much fun doing my nails it i love ittt!!! its like a high.

kinnikubaby 😴 326 days ago

caught a cold ): already feeling like too much screen time today

kinnikubaby 📺 328 days ago

Making lemon cookies for a movie night with friends ^_^ last night I felt really down but today's better