the tv is removed til i can fix it
- Homepage
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- About
where the fuck am i
added sadie rose shrine, modified the shrine index, new links, edited animation and art tabs, new videos in the tv, added virus, + more
large visual overhaul, grunt dressup update, misc adjustments, 2024 pics in photo gallery, and other misc adjustments and etc
Added web hoarde, added gmod screenshots, added weedposting section, fixed mediaplayer archive, added system information in NEXUS-OS, re-add
added shrines, collections in the gallery, reorganized navigation, new links and misc things
New things added in the grunt dress up game, minimal fixes around index. still working on updates for the primary website
MASSIVE website overhaul, everything is changed up. it is very limited but I will be adding everything back soon.
Going to start using this for updates on my website. Would give this an actual use now
Thanks for 100k hits! that's a lot of you woah. Gonna take a bit for the next update though, in a bit of a creative rut. woops
realized i haven't updated my site in a month, still working on a bigger update. I've got some goofy shit coming up
Just got my 3ds and waiting for my adapter to come in, can't wait to mod this thing
my hungry ass could never meet jerma985 in person
69k views on neocities. nice.
Got myself some new cool shit, feeling pretty good.
Holy shit? 50k hits? damn thanks for looking at my silly website lmao
Casual silly endeavors.
god i love animating so much
having the art block of web building. I have things I want done but no idea how to execute them AUHG
going silly going a bit wild running directly into a cement wall and exploding
Its getting warmer, I'm not excited about the heat but i mean the spring time is pretty nice.