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super awesome cardcaptor sakura, kingdom hearts, and shinee fan


kazumasgirl101 🙂 51 days ago

abandoning this fuckass acc (i love u kazuma but i gotta be obscure)

kazumasgirl101 💤 96 days ago

have gone through way too many versions of myself and somehow im still not me

kazumasgirl101 🌧️ 97 days ago

lord... please bless taylor swift (wtf was ttpd god pls)

kazumasgirl101 💤 150 days ago

dont look there's a bjork and kk slider listener behind you

kazumasgirl101 💤 166 days ago

top ten ways to k word myself without feeling pain

kazumasgirl101 ☀️ 194 days ago

and if im gone tmr, what was ours still will be

kazumasgirl101 💻 211 days ago

i saw akechi and i literally started kicking my feet and giggling. i swear im not a fan i swea-

kazumasgirl101 😭 243 days ago

SHUAKEEE [llantos like those never heard before]

kazumasgirl101 🌙 270 days ago

i think abt jumping off very tall somethings

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