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karius 🥰 823 days ago

So glad to be speaking to Patrick again. Missed him <3

karius 😶 824 days ago

So tired of feeling depressed.

karius ☕ 825 days ago

Need more coffee!!!

karius 🥳 826 days ago

It's my birthday!

karius 😛 830 days ago

My birthday is real soon!

karius 😎 830 days ago

Finished writing my first article for my site!

karius 😶 830 days ago

Hooray for insomnia...

karius 🥳 831 days ago

Happy Easter! Eat egg

karius 🥳 832 days ago

Got a few early b-day gifts!

karius 😶 832 days ago

Feeling that identity crisis coming LOL.

karius 😎 833 days ago

Helped my grandma cook dinner!

karius 😭 833 days ago

Why do I insist in drawing really complex pieces that are hard to write alt text for?!

karius 🙂 834 days ago

Started a new comic project, let's hope it goes well!

karius 😂 836 days ago

Showed my dad some Neil Breen.

karius 😯 836 days ago

Hooray for mania...? This sucks.