the week after EVO weekend...the time where I always go "can I really devote this much time/effort to fgs again? ...nah" without fail

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EVO weekend
life is generally pretty wack but then a little boy hugs you when you make his library card and things seem brighter for a lil bit
ok Freya Crescent deserved better from FFIX, this creative block is over
socmed devs, 2023: "ok twitter is dying how do we capitalize on this" "let's make our ux look exactly like twitter"
is it petty to want reddit to collapse too so I don't feel obliged to ""moderate"" a tiny community
hostile game design is when they make it so all the enemies keep attacking while you try to take pretty screenshots
there is much pain in my life but not in this redesign (much melancholy though)
got this weird need to write a soulslike story
I'm 25. can I stop feeling like I'm in between stages of life now
think it might be time for a site redesign
*downloading sf6 beta* lord forgive me but its time to go back to tha old me
how do people use dating apps. like genuinely
a bird was eaten alive on the porch last night. neat.
really need to get out of this house
growing increasingly ambivalent about my internet presence these days
grad school time, I guess
omg did ya'll know drawing is kinda fun because I totally forgot