i wish i had more things to say, but the last week or so has made my brain messy. hopefully once i get a bedframe again, ill feel better :3
- Homepage
- https://jupy.wtf
- Not defined
- About
- hi its me im jupyyy :3
i am unsure how i feel this week but i hope next week is better
so many things going on in my life rn. its a little overwhelming but i'll be ok, im sure of it.
my tummy hurts but im being strong :(
yay i have tomorrow off of work :3
i fixed a ton on my blog today. like btn now doesnt remove someone elses like lmao. worked on mobile fixes + added a popup and music :3
nobody knows im currently listening to twin peaks, drinking arizona (fruit punch) and coding my website :3
there is something so haunting about being so connected and yet so alone
aw man that link was broken as heck. https://more.jupy.wtf
yet again it's 5am and im up coding my site. (https://more.jupy.wtf) it's coming along sooo nicely :3
yay i did a ton of work on my "more" page !! :3 time for sleep now hehe
yaay i have an epic new lil window for my statuscafe on my site :3 and the buttons to show older/newer posts works !!!!! time for bed now !
keep staying up late, even though i tell myself ill sleep earlier.... but hey, at least im about to push an update to my site :3
new blog post up ! i totally didnt spend the last 7 hours on it or anything...
currently sweating through every pore i have
i made the ecard for my partner ! im so excited to show them tomorrow :3
thinking abt making a valentines day card site for my gf hmmm....
fixed my site, made some content and now its time to work !! (*^.^*)
my statuscafe bg worked last night but now today its just not showing 😭
stayed up way too late as usual working on my site (⌒_⌒;)