juglone 🐱 4 days ago
I gave Tara a saucer of milk before bed.
I gave Tara a saucer of milk before bed.
I'm under a 'fire weather watch.' Never had one of those before.
I have a headache.
I went to the apple orchard yesterday and got a whole bunch of apples to eat.
I finally got around to ordering a DVD copy of my favorite movie!
Insomnia really might kill me!!
Ugh, doesn't anybody link out anymore? You're defeating the purpose of personal sites if your only links out are your own social medias.
I love you CDs!! I love you archiving!
I picked a gigantic radish today.
Still sick...
I've had an awful cold lately.
The shin megami tensei V ost goes so hard
Why does it take so long to grind in video games? How am I supposed to beat anything! I have stuff to do.