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jsmith 🎨 81 days ago

The utter joy in finding out that someone didn't just vanish off the face of the Internet for nothing, & she's fine, she just transitioned!

jsmith ✅ 163 days ago

"❄️ Do you ever get..." — yes, /yes you do,/ see Analog by Plum Pudding. This is a real thing, that people have happen to them occasionally!

jsmith ❤️ 173 days ago

kin la, happy belated Tau Day to all who celebrate! Closest I could get.

jsmith 🎶 173 days ago

You ever listen to something and realise that it's /a better story than you?/

jsmith 🏂 227 days ago

Just realised what the joke is in the name of Snowdin Town.

jsmith 💻 262 days ago

I love the fake names for things people make up for examples in arguments. Also, metasyntactic variables!

jsmith 🍏 268 days ago

Another thing that is frankly awesome — epigraphs taken from fictional media the author made up for the work.

jsmith 🥹 276 days ago

:D /Floornight/ understands that in 'they're doing typical oppressive stuff, but they're eldritch' the 'eldritch' bit is the /positive/ one.

jsmith 👽 277 days ago

I /really, really/ disike what this one author does when he describes 'weird, slimy, alien' and means 'disgusting' instead of 'interesting!'

jsmith ☀️ 298 days ago

The best thing that ever happens in stories is when they show you a world where the inciting incident never happened.

jsmith 📰 312 days ago

They're bombing Rafah now. What gets described as 'last civilian safe zone' and 'last bastion of Hamas' are the exact same cities. God fuck.

jsmith 📱 357 days ago

Swipe-based text input methods like 8Vim are more resilient against wet or snowed-at screens than tap-based methods like most keyboards now.

jsmith 🌈 370 days ago

By using enough different words that contradict each other enough you can regain the freedom you lost when you started using words /at all./

jsmith 😱 379 days ago

I think I should try to get into horror again. Keep hearing people describe things as scary and thinking — no, just weird, unnerving and fun

jsmith 🌙 394 days ago

What's the difference between someone pretending to be you who /isn't/ you, and someone pretending to be you who /is/ you?

jsmith 🎁 394 days ago

Cohost has added asks now! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

jsmith 📺 400 days ago

Has a sort of grunge aesthetic, but the original novel is so much more cold and vivid. Love how it plays with cameras and viewpoints, though

jsmith 🤖 433 days ago

Is there such a thing as 'method writing'? Putting yourself in a mindset of a character so you can understand what their dialogue looks like

jsmith 🍫 440 days ago

Bacon isn't inherently hedonist, and necktie isn't inherently anti-hedonist. You /can/ have a necktie hedonism. (That's me!) And vice versa.

jsmith 🐱 453 days ago

It's the no-internet-dinosaur's birthday!

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