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Hi I'm dumb
Check out my site for more stuff about me


jovannmc 🔥 15 days ago

i've finally done something for my sites, no way!

jovannmc 💀 73 days ago

i said i would redesign my websites, 6 months ago.

jovannmc 💻 144 days ago

making a npm package after reverse engineering a 2.4GHz dongle

jovannmc ✨ 194 days ago

i finally got my full body tracking kit for my vr!! video on it soon or something

jovannmc 📱 219 days ago


jovannmc 💻 232 days ago

all i've been doing is programming and programming and

jovannmc ❤️ 246 days ago

i like this boy from school so much help he's furry and cute and

jovannmc ✏️ 276 days ago

i'm getting into digital art!!

jovannmc ✏️ 293 days ago

working on new personal site soon maybe

jovannmc 🐶 315 days ago

im a dogboy catgirl

jovannmc 📱 346 days ago

working on websites for people

jovannmc 💻 352 days ago

back to working on projects!!

jovannmc ✈️ 392 days ago

On vacation now so expect less activity

jovannmc 💻 410 days ago

working on a project !

jovannmc 💻 416 days ago

i need project ideas to work on that would be useful for people

jovannmc 🌈 447 days ago

having genderfluid moments

jovannmc 😎 460 days ago

finished my website's redesign !

jovannmc 🙃 470 days ago

redesigning my site and transferring it soon aaaaaa

jovannmc 😶 472 days ago

released another game build of game but now i should fully focus on a competition i only have a few weeks left to do

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