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jonk_sauce 🙂 1 day ago

i think we're gonna make it

jonk_sauce 🙂 450 days ago

happy belated birthday snail

jonk_sauce 🙂 508 days ago

hello statusgang today i was cursed by a technological witch. I hope i am swiftly cured because every device i touch bluescreens

jonk_sauce 🤩 561 days ago

bacon negg and cheese in my imminent future

jonk_sauce 😇 563 days ago

i am perfect angelic roommate

jonk_sauce 😎 618 days ago

its my birthday today yeayahhahhahhayeah

jonk_sauce 😎 633 days ago

chillin like a villain

jonk_sauce 🥳 639 days ago

halloween function on sunday can i get a what what

jonk_sauce 😭 639 days ago

toki tawa mi, jan sewi

jonk_sauce 🛹 641 days ago

ate shit again but the guy in the bathroom said i must be getting better every time i fall

jonk_sauce 😎 646 days ago

i saw a blimp yesterday. or maybe it was the day before

jonk_sauce 🧐 648 days ago

used all my braincells last week on my essays, didn't have enough for this weekend

jonk_sauce 😎 653 days ago

nothing like eating shit on a skateboard to make you feel alive (ow)

jonk_sauce 🔥 655 days ago

i am the grindset incarnate

jonk_sauce 💔 660 days ago

just switched to firefox bye bye google chrome (my first love <3)

jonk_sauce 🤒 661 days ago

i am sick. no fear we are powerful

jonk_sauce 🤔 669 days ago

one more mango loco will fix me

jonk_sauce 🥱 683 days ago

working on my website in english class

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