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jojo 🙂 20 days ago

my drawing tablet should arrive tomorrow

jojo 🙂 30 days ago

joined a game jam. gonna make a game this month

jojo 🙂 36 days ago

joined a gamejam

jojo 🙂 38 days ago

working on my game and fixed the https issue with my website

jojo 🙂 55 days ago

installed linux mint on my laptop

jojo 🙂 57 days ago

did a few javascript challenges today

jojo 🙂 63 days ago

read me an comicbook

jojo 🙂 67 days ago

just updated my site with a new post

jojo 🙂 72 days ago

i figured out how to delete comments on cactus comments

jojo 🙂 75 days ago

having a chill day today

jojo 🙂 79 days ago

talked to this transgender person that made a script that spams the snitch fourm thingy in utah. good job

jojo 🙂 85 days ago

been practing javascrtipt so i can make something in a-frame

jojo 🙂 87 days ago

bought an pngtuber for livestreams and youtube content

jojo 😎 93 days ago

im working on my website some more.

jojo 🙂 100 days ago

doing programming challenges to learn javascript

jojo 😎 103 days ago

working on some themes for my psp

jojo 🙂 104 days ago

did a lot of work on my website today.

jojo 🙂 107 days ago

im on my computer making my website.

jojo 🙂 109 days ago

modding my 3ds

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