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hello! i'm jimbo. i make various things using computers and share the least uninteresting things i make online.


jmibo 🌈 214 days ago

godot 4 is really nice, besides web builds not working on macos. nobody uses mac anyways i suppose

jmibo 💻 355 days ago

i should update this ever

jmibo 😎 535 days ago

new ssg. i made it

jmibo 📱 542 days ago

cool website css update! should check if it looks ok on mobile

jmibo 💤 547 days ago

citizen sleeper is a really good game

jmibo 😴 550 days ago

i forgot this exists

jmibo 🙂 615 days ago

fun fact: 198 is the lowest natural number to not have a wikipedia page

jmibo 🙂 641 days ago

happy unix time 1666666666! (a few seconds ago)

jmibo 🥳 641 days ago

happy unix time 1666666666! (soon)

jmibo 😶 657 days ago

i should work on the website

jmibo 🙂 684 days ago

all of the things on my site are now in the public domain

jmibo ✨ 688 days ago

10000 website views. wooo

jmibo 🙂 690 days ago

new game?

jmibo 🙂 698 days ago

i should really work on something

jmibo 🙂 702 days ago


jmibo 😶 702 days ago

test post

jmibo 🙃 702 days ago

i need to work on this more

jmibo 😎 705 days ago

hugo migration finished & pushed! let's hope nothing breaks and makes me lose everything on the site or whatever!!!

jmibo 🙂 706 days ago

might migrate my website to hugo but then i have to learn things :(

jmibo 💻 713 days ago

restructuring my website, poorly

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