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jiuzi 🥹 4 days ago

Never forget <3 7.22.2024

jiuzi 🎶 6 days ago

Enjoyed the Music Jam in Club Penguin Journey!

jiuzi 🤔 11 days ago


jiuzi 🙂 11 days ago

I'm ok now, as long as smth like that yesterday doesn't happen again

jiuzi 🌧️ 12 days ago

Wahhhh :(

jiuzi 🙂 18 days ago

I'm fine, doing stuff rn, few things left before drawing

jiuzi 😎 20 days ago

I finished working on my site lmaooo now to play (Mario) The Music Box since I haven't touched it in a while

jiuzi 🙃 20 days ago

The new catalog in Club Penguin Journey destroyed my wallet

jiuzi 💻 21 days ago

Updating my site

jiuzi 🙂 22 days ago

I'm feeling fine rn, got through a lot, mostly internet issues. But I came out ok. Still working on CPST

jiuzi 💔 37 days ago

Another bluescreen, another day of heartbreak

jiuzi 💻 42 days ago

Working on logo

jiuzi 💻 46 days ago

Working on new project

jiuzi 🙂 53 days ago

I'm fine rn! In addition, I updated my site :)

jiuzi 🙃 65 days ago

Had to temporarily remove chatbox due to spam. Besides that I'm fine

jiuzi 💔 68 days ago

Nothing... just another BSOD on my computer...

jiuzi 😭 72 days ago

2lazy2draw again, doing a series of tests at school :sob:

jiuzi 🎨 77 days ago


jiuzi 📺 80 days ago

Finished bocchi the rock yesterday, it was great

jiuzi 😭 83 days ago

Just did homework today

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