throwback to junior high listening to 2013 exo 🥺
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- just call me jasmine
- art person of sorts
- 🇮🇩 IDN / GMT+7
i wanna goof off and play palia so bad...
dark mode is gonna be a PAIN to implement on my homepage with all those custom classes
no way its already been ~2 years since porter robinson released "nurture"... i rarely get tired of listening to it
let's fold some laundry and pay off the bills! ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
i miss going out in cute outfits...
anyways, in a bout of insomnia, i finally added a site map!
woke up at 3 am and struggling to fall back asleep, even though i'm super tired...
commits to my site's github repo were taking forever via web, guess i'll stick with the desktop client
i think about replacing my guestbook often, but i don't want to fragment the comment history...
finally trying out proton mail!
still in the process of finding a "happy medium" and being content with it
in perpetual need of a bone-crunching massage
after prodding around the neocities ruby CLI, i'm now craving pizza
added more lines of text to my about page, also added a standalone credits page
couldn't sleep well last night because of the mosquitoes, and now i have a headache
the strong urge to clean up my spacehey code after seeing the error of my ways (thanks neocities)
good vibes only with sandara park
(no thoughts just perfume) (i can't wait until "moon" comes out)