izabellaofcastile 👽 254 days ago
updating my pages, ooooo so exciting
updating my pages, ooooo so exciting
made a new button!!!!!!!!!!!!
changed my site name 2 asiaworld + fixing things up around here :o
I think my site looks rough on other resolutions...FUCK
Trying to tidy my living quarters b4 the new year
Me when I register for classes and the classes actually start
Trying to fill up my homepage
Fixing up stuff again shh
Goodwill came through today
About to go to Goodwill after work HEY!!
My first blog post is finally up!
Some of my graphics pages are up!
My blog page is done!!
Working on my homepage (again)
I have a blog now!! :0
I think my home page is finally done HELLO!
Mostly finished my homepage; still need to add more but I DID IT!
Satisfied with the right sidebar heyyy
Working on my homepage!