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I'm Casey
I'm new to these parts of the internet. Either leave a message in my live chat/guestbook or shoot me an email if you'd like to get to know me. I'm open to new friends!


indylandia 🙂 139 days ago

i am most ill when im rhymin and stealin

indylandia 🙂 192 days ago

time to get back on that neocities grind

indylandia 🙂 209 days ago

extended family is GONE

indylandia 🙂 216 days ago

yeahhhh i made a wii themed neocities

indylandia 🙂 220 days ago


indylandia 💔 224 days ago

Forced to be niche internet neocities micro fashion influencer

indylandia 🙂 224 days ago

excedrin got me feeling MUCH BETTER!

indylandia 💔 225 days ago

might have a concussion

indylandia 💔 225 days ago

used neocities for my final and now i have to link my site to my professor - fortunately i made it so the page doesn't link back to my main

indylandia 🌧️ 226 days ago

passing finals in shades of grey

indylandia 🙂 228 days ago

anna karenina got me wanting to throw MYSELF in front of a train

indylandia 🙂 230 days ago

networking on this neocities like its my full time job

indylandia 🙂 231 days ago

i have more fun on my website than anyone else

indylandia ❤️ 232 days ago

not even a britney stan but have to appreciate what she did for my young lesbian heart

indylandia 🌈 232 days ago

shrines added to neocities

indylandia ✨ 234 days ago

manifesting good bedroom vibes

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