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imp-gao 🤖 50 days ago

just found out about crowdstrike lol

imp-gao 😭 52 days ago

how the hell do i create a div with rss

imp-gao 🥹 53 days ago

sonic triple trouble 16-bit is absolutely beautiful i love it so much dude

imp-gao ❄️ 54 days ago

might die of hypothermia WHY IS IT SO COLD INSIDE MY APARTMENT

imp-gao ❄️ 54 days ago

its amazing how it hasnt snowed here with how cold it is. im freezing here.

imp-gao 🤔 55 days ago

considering getting into fanfics. i already read them but i wanna make them now.

imp-gao 💀 55 days ago

Things will either change forever or they will remain the same. Whatever the case I hope my friends in the US don't get f-ed over again.

imp-gao 🥹 78 days ago

Sometimes I forget Cocteau Twins songs are in English

imp-gao 💡 79 days ago

what if i made my house in tower unite

imp-gao 😎 80 days ago

went 2 a cafe today, life's good

imp-gao 🙂 90 days ago

neocities aint showing my status

imp-gao 🤩 97 days ago

made a wiki

imp-gao 🍕 99 days ago

there's a somewhat new domino's near the wtc where i live. went there today and it was the first time i had domino's.

imp-gao 😭 99 days ago

dear god i miss the 6th and 7th generations of consoles