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Hello I am housepen/microbenggu.


housepen 🤖 5 days ago

what do you call the feeling you get when you need to shit really badly until you actually get to the toilet?

housepen 🙂 5 days ago

i cant believe i cant send ascii art on statuscafe what the fuck

housepen 🙂 5 days ago

. ^-^ . / ._.\ miao . \ / . v--v

housepen 🙂 9 days ago

osu is like realy addicting i was supposed to make a powerpoint but i just played osu for 2 hours instead oops

housepen ☀️ 15 days ago

Sometimes, I think I can talk to plants

housepen 😴 25 days ago

sleep is good i'm gonna go sleep

housepen 💀 26 days ago

"My exams are tomorrow!" she gargled.

housepen 🙂 26 days ago

"My exams are tomorrow!" she gargled.

housepen 👽 28 days ago

exams in three days garglerfagrlafagrkle

housepen 🙂 31 days ago


housepen 💤 33 days ago

i'm not sleeping but it feels like i am

housepen 🎤 33 days ago

Sometimes, I think I can talk to plants.

housepen 🙂 33 days ago

thing is a very very very very very very very very long and very very very very very annoying status

housepen 🙂 33 days ago

welcome to the house of housepen bitch

housepen 🙂 33 days ago

하우스펜의 집

housepen 🥗 33 days ago

damn why aren't there emojis for ramen

housepen 🌙 40 days ago

exams. will probably not be active for a while.

housepen 🙂 55 days ago

please join my web ring :)

housepen 🤖 60 days ago

cannot be bothered to change that emoji at the top... except for now

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