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Hi! I'm Kit, my pronouns are they/them and I'm an enby butch dyke ⚧⚢ I'm currently working on getting my website up and running with all the information on my ocs & writing as I can manage!
I'm also on tumblr!


hollowsbest 💤 363 days ago

actually think I need a break from websiting tbh. I'll get back to making the emporium sometime soon. don't wanna burn myself out

hollowsbest 🥰 365 days ago

I think that's the sunflower list done!! unless I've somehow forgotten someone... gonna take a break for a bit. I'll get back to it later

hollowsbest ✨ 365 days ago

oh babey we're gettin there got sooo many lil blurbs for the blorbos in my brain!! got soooooooo many 2 go though

hollowsbest 🙃 365 days ago

sigh... I know it's not his fault for having issues tonguewise but I can't help but feel disappointed that I don't get to play at all today.

hollowsbest ✨ 365 days ago

currently in a ttrpg session so site updates'll be kinda slow rn but hey! I did get some stuff going already :>

hollowsbest ✨ 365 days ago

oh this'll be such a neat lil feature