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failed queer artist tinkering on the indie web. over 25yo (old). atom - homepage - picrew


hex 🔥 22 days ago

i destroy everything i touch

hex 🌈 69 days ago

the world is good, it actually is

hex 🎱 77 days ago

What does it matter?

hex 📱 95 days ago

i wish i could ditch my smartphone and buy a dumbphone but alas all my family and friends only communicate via whatsapp

hex 🎶 134 days ago

what if it's not meant for me (love)?

hex 🌧️ 169 days ago

some days i worry so much that my creativity is never getting back, no matter how much time i give it

hex 🔥 170 days ago

restless restless restless

hex 💾 234 days ago

I think digital minimalism is the way to go for me from now on

hex 💻 267 days ago

I should've majored in computer science

hex 💔 280 days ago

wishing i could more easily open up in my romantic relationships

hex ✈️ 298 days ago

i get so overwhelmed by how much i want to do/learn/see/experience

hex 👽 298 days ago

feeling detached from people

hex 💀 564 days ago

wrecked by covid