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haunted-daddy 📖 49 days ago

The hardest part of writing is writing.

haunted-daddy 😴 116 days ago

Falling asleep around the fire pit with the rest of your party after a long day of dungeon crawling...

haunted-daddy 🧐 137 days ago

Researching your hyperfixations is such a gratifying yet mind-numbing experience.

haunted-daddy ☕️ 169 days ago

I need all the coffee pls pls pls

haunted-daddy 🎮 175 days ago

i'm in baldur's gate 3 hell and nothing hurts

haunted-daddy 📺 192 days ago

the fact i'm contemplating a survivor shrine....

haunted-daddy ☕️ 196 days ago

i thought i was tired of Italian sweet creamer but then i go through five cups of coffee with it

haunted-daddy 📺 198 days ago

Survivor is just Space Camp for ADHD adults willing to show their faces on television.

haunted-daddy 👀 198 days ago

adulting is all fun and games until you have a renters' inspection

haunted-daddy 📚 199 days ago

I wonder what book I should be reading right now.

haunted-daddy 💀 200 days ago

how wild is it that last year was 2023, and now, it's 2024

haunted-daddy 🤖 202 days ago

daddy's first webring dropping this week

haunted-daddy 📺 203 days ago

true crime documentaries because streaming is utter garbage these days

haunted-daddy 💀 203 days ago

i got bones that jangle jingle jangle as i haunt the decrepit house i'm in

haunted-daddy 🤔 205 days ago

thank the gods for nipple cream #JustTopSurgeryThings

haunted-daddy ☕️ 206 days ago

The wait for half & half to arrive from the grocery store is agonizing.

haunted-daddy 😱 207 days ago

yo the church bat in resident evil 0 was a ridiculous boss fight

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