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halcybutton 💤 348 days ago

Practicing driving later. Hopefully I can get my license soon.

halcybutton 💀 348 days ago

I wore a mask and everything but I feel so nauseous.

halcybutton 🎶 349 days ago

seeing a concert tonight yippee!

halcybutton 🌈 350 days ago

I love my boyfriend. That's all.

halcybutton 💀 359 days ago

today's the first day i haven't had anything going on in over a week

halcybutton 💤 369 days ago

My birthday was yesterday. Spent it working. Did a clopen for my first two days, now I just want to nap.

halcybutton 💤 376 days ago

Updated my graphics collection, and reformatted my site again.

halcybutton 🥳 382 days ago

i beat kromer in one go with no casualties! mostly thanks to my boyfriend haha

halcybutton 🎮 382 days ago

let's see if i can beat kromer first try >:-)

halcybutton 🙃 388 days ago

i've been really twitchy and weak lately. keep dropping stuff too. wonder what's up with that

halcybutton ✨ 395 days ago

happy trans day of visibility <3

halcybutton 🙃 401 days ago

have an interview monday at a place i really don't want to work at. why do i keep getting stuck with final resort places?

halcybutton 🎮 406 days ago

told my bf i didnt have brainworms for limbus company but i cant act like im not intrigues by other project moon games now

halcybutton 💤 407 days ago

meds got adjusted, my new dose makes me so sleepy

halcybutton 💤 411 days ago

I'm ridiculously exhausted today. Don't know why.

halcybutton ❄️ 413 days ago

lots of snow, wish i had some hot cocoa 💔

halcybutton 🎮 419 days ago

been mining away in a friend realm in minecraft for the last couple of days. so much fun

halcybutton 🍣 422 days ago

getting sushi and hotpot later <3

halcybutton ✨ 423 days ago

i have a job orientation next wednesday :D

halcybutton 💀 425 days ago

so many doctors appointments. im beat

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