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graveyardsoup 😭 114 days ago

i hope i get some answers from my doctor soon!!

graveyardsoup 😇 278 days ago

this is going to be an exciting week!! I have a lot to get done

graveyardsoup 🥰 447 days ago

worked in the heat all day and actually feel refreshed!

graveyardsoup 🤒 644 days ago

want to create something for myself but I'm so tired when I have time

graveyardsoup 😴 647 days ago

i want to be drawing but i have so much work

graveyardsoup 😴 648 days ago

it's finally!? getting cold! unfortunate side effect is how exhausted I will be for the next week or two

graveyardsoup 😭 653 days ago

Been trying so hard to clear WD-EX-8 for the challenge mode and its soo hard. Even a year later my ops still struggle

graveyardsoup 💀 658 days ago

My brain feels all over the place and I miss having time for myself!

graveyardsoup 😡 673 days ago

it's so hot... I wish fall would actually start