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ghostsontv 🤩 100 days ago

can i just say its cool as hell when rpgs have classes like "the accountant" "the hierophant" "the hidden flame" or whatever

ghostsontv 🌈 100 days ago

added a status feed 2 my page to make it as easy as possible to stare at my own thoughts

ghostsontv ☀️ 108 days ago

saw the eclipse yesterday & got sunburned

ghostsontv ✨ 327 days ago

updated my guestbook because i wasn't loving the old one. this does mean the old comments are lost; sry abt that!

ghostsontv 🎶 361 days ago

new carly rae jepsen album is just all bangers

ghostsontv 🛼 362 days ago

going back in time and forcing my past self to explain why she's making me draw a car interior

ghostsontv 💻 365 days ago

thinking about ai: somnium files again

ghostsontv ✅ 368 days ago

site should be working! if anything looks fucked up try shift + refresh and see if that fixes it

ghostsontv 🌈 368 days ago

i am going to push a big site update. please hope she survives a new look

ghostsontv 👀 368 days ago

watching a video essay about OFF... i have got to make weirder art

ghostsontv 🎮 386 days ago

just caught up on scarlet hollow. please go play scarlet hollow.

ghostsontv 🥳 416 days ago

i finally finished writing video star! now just to code and draw everything @_@

ghostsontv ✨ 443 days ago

should i stop editing the site directly in neocities? yes. will i learn from my mistakes? absolutely not.

ghostsontv 😭 451 days ago

site should be fixed now! i got a little overambitious with html

ghostsontv 💀 451 days ago

broke the site, gimme a sec!

ghostsontv 👽 451 days ago

alien stage was crazy good this week

ghostsontv 🎶 456 days ago

don't try to talk to me about anything that isnt Mermaids by Florence + the Machine

ghostsontv 💡 461 days ago

added some quizzes to the writing page!

ghostsontv 💡 466 days ago

posted new thing (on tanking) on my writing page

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