Thinking about watching Netflix's The Leopard but just one look at the ball scene made it look so boring and dull compared to the movie...

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- genn1323
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- Actually a cinnamon bear with access to the internet. Some ramblings and the most frequent updates on my life here. Visit my website!
this new side job seems a little tiring? should I keep it? will it work?
can't believe gotta do something else after work today, just wanna go home to my cat unu
i need to repair all my cassette tapes...
anoooother test...
testing... testing...
why do i always want to do stuff at night instead of sleep?
can you believe the library did not have any book by Nabokov??
man, I really hope I get off of work on time today...
so I actually submitted and entry to a poetry contest...
mornings are never quiet when I need them to be
I wanna create so many things with my little and hurting head cool anime video and song for January 20th!
should I make a vision board??
full work week aaaah I need strenght!
not feeling like having to work tomorrow unu
Gfriend my beloveds are sooo back!!!
really need a lonely rainy morning to write that story in my mind
What's with this allergy that suddenly decided to take over my body??
Updated my site! Also made cookies, changed bedsheets and crocheted a doll, nice day.