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I cook very amusing css layouts


gbfrnda 🔥 147 days ago

why won't nekoweb update my css even though i changed it!

gbfrnda 👀 150 days ago

jeepers peepers

gbfrnda 👀 153 days ago

help me stop drifting into the toy story mythos

gbfrnda 👀 155 days ago

yo whats up with f+f

gbfrnda 👀 158 days ago

reading peta investigation articles

gbfrnda 👀 158 days ago

tra la la

gbfrnda 🔥 162 days ago

Browsing deviantart shitposts for fun

gbfrnda 🐱 166 days ago

week 1 q4 is done

gbfrnda 🤩 167 days ago

sqhees at fixitfewixs spwedstoewm raecer shuit

gbfrnda 👀 168 days ago

week 1 of q4

gbfrnda 💡 169 days ago

updating my nekoweb made me hungry

gbfrnda ☀️ 172 days ago

i loik waffels

gbfrnda ☀️ 173 days ago

Holy week comes to a close

gbfrnda ☀️ 175 days ago

In my end, it's Holy Week, so no school for the rest of week

gbfrnda 👀 176 days ago

mimminy mamminy

gbfrnda ✨ 177 days ago

hey hoh hey hoh hey hoh

gbfrnda 🔥 178 days ago

Challenge! Eat pies as Fix-It Felix would do.

gbfrnda 🔥 182 days ago

You Can Never Be Safe From The Felix Fever

gbfrnda 😶 182 days ago

okinakya dame?

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