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galissia 🎨 26 days ago

sooooo not ready for art fight

galissia ☀️ 52 days ago

summer time yahoooooo!!!!!!!!!!

galissia 💀 71 days ago

two. weeks. left. almost done............ finals .......

galissia 🐶 71 days ago

my brother sent me a picture of my dog and hes so grey i miss him so much

galissia 💤 81 days ago

end of quarter save me,,, save me end of quarter...,,.

galissia 💤 81 days ago

forever cursed to be stuck in the cycle of stay-up-all-night-and-then-sleep-all-day

galissia 💤 81 days ago

on that end-of-semester grind

galissia 😭 81 days ago

i'm testing this to see if this will scale on my website and if it doesnt i'm gonna cry

galissia 💀 82 days ago

the end of the semester approaches......

galissia 😴 82 days ago

the end of the semester approaches...

galissia 💾 99 days ago

workin' hard to make my site cool as hell :)