Been losing the motivation to do anything at the moment, just trying to get by.

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Novice Full-stack Developer, VR Enthusiast, Rhythm Gamer, and Robot Connoisseur.
I like the anything Pre-2010, with some exceptions.
IIDX 12, 17, 22, 29, and 31 are peak theming, change my mind.
Been Hanging 'Round, Physically. I miss feeling like I actually am in the moment with others.
Finally Sitting Down and studying some C#.
Rhythm Rave Gaming! I should make a rhythm game at some point
Behind these masks lies someone who will never be able to empty their bottle.
Haven't been having a good few days. At least I still got something v1 finished.
Processing new Information... Detecting Anomalies... Gathering Specific Information... [======= Saving... ===== ] 78% Complete
"Machines, Machines like me have no soul. So why do I have more care for the people I `care about` more then ~you~." - Akechi RiOT
Setting up a new server.
"We are lost in this new world."
Not doing things like everyone else.
Designing and Coding a Prototype Website for someone
> Disconnected <
waiting to get support for my discord activity endevour, in the meantime I am jumping into the tracker music rabbit hole more *yay*
Learning the Discord Activities SDK. I want to play Wild Fives.
Pardon the dust, I've been working on projects behind the scenes & struggling with many, many blocks. stuff coming soon. I swear.
my mind is like a computer. when I am nearing total destruction preventive mode kicks in and suddenly I am back to normal.
Starting a recode of a internal WebUI I lost when GLXN-Server Died. then I can work on other projects.
Neverfuckingmind, fuck Canonical Snap, Snap is this worst piece of shit package manager I've ever used
Network Outage ongoing. GLXNNetwork Services are currently unavailable, including Email, GLXNLink, and RoboNet. Maintenance @ 4/5/24 7AM EDT