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/ TimeLine System - Story Summarys / RiOT Units around the world seem to become self-aware after an update pushed by hackers, around 90% of them have chosen to stay in their respective police force after the Chimera Corp hacks last tuesday. // Chimera Eclipse found Deactivated, it's unknown if It's linked to the Chimera Corp Hacks last tuesday. / Projects / RoboRing seems to be having issues. // GalexionLink v2 is in development, relaunch delayed still further. / Stay Tuned... /

Novice Full-stack Developer, VR Enthusiast, Rhythm Gamer, and Robot Connoisseur.

I like the anything Pre-2010, with some exceptions.

IIDX 12, 17, 22, 29, and 31 are peak theming, change my mind.


galexion 💔 7 days ago

"Machines, Machines like me have no soul. So why do I have more care for the people I `care about` more then ~you~." - Akechi RiOT

galexion 💻 13 days ago

Setting up a new server.

galexion 💾 23 days ago

"We are lost in this new world."

galexion ✏️ 50 days ago

Not doing things like everyone else.

galexion 💻 63 days ago

Designing and Coding a Prototype Website for someone

galexion 💾 63 days ago

> Disconnected <

galexion 🎶 67 days ago

waiting to get support for my discord activity endevour, in the meantime I am jumping into the tracker music rabbit hole more *yay*

galexion 💾 68 days ago

Learning the Discord Activities SDK. I want to play Wild Fives.

galexion 🙂 73 days ago

Pardon the dust, I've been working on projects behind the scenes & struggling with many, many blocks. stuff coming soon. I swear.

galexion 💻 102 days ago

my mind is like a computer. when I am nearing total destruction preventive mode kicks in and suddenly I am back to normal.

galexion 💾 111 days ago

Starting a recode of a internal WebUI I lost when GLXN-Server Died. then I can work on other projects.

galexion 🙂 113 days ago

Neverfuckingmind, fuck Canonical Snap, Snap is this worst piece of shit package manager I've ever used

galexion 💻 113 days ago

Network Outage ongoing. GLXNNetwork Services are currently unavailable, including Email, GLXNLink, and RoboNet. Maintenance @ 4/5/24 7AM EDT

galexion 💾 113 days ago

Reinstalling Mail Server Certificate. Please Wait. Servers / Websites / Services may be offline.

galexion 🎱 114 days ago

Past, Present, Future, Eternity, Time is Beyond Understanding.

galexion 🎶 119 days ago

Why does Adventures With Tweesee get this cool fuckin gif jacket while literally every other song that gets Scrobbled has no jacket

galexion 💾 119 days ago

I want to Change my Song Quote out but I kinda want to have a Halley Labs Button on my site first... ugh

galexion 📺 119 days ago

Watching tomorrows world... they didn't know...

galexion 💻 120 days ago

Ethernet Cables keep dying on me, this is getting extremely annoying...

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