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a little space for me to say what i am up to.

i might be sleeping tho


fri11s 🌱 277 days ago

Found a gorgeous woodland walk a few miles away this weekend. It was so beautiful, it reminded me of the forests in North Vancouver

fri11s 🐶 281 days ago

Added my pet shrine for Orla! But you have to go hunting for the link on my site

fri11s ❤️ 282 days ago

Choosing pics for my Orla shrine. Is 30 too many?

fri11s 🥰 289 days ago

Added a guestbook! I am so pleased. It's using a Google sheet as a database, which I think is pretty neat

fri11s 💡 294 days ago

Going to look into Webmentions this weekend.

fri11s 📱 295 days ago

Been playing around with dashboard-esque ideas for my homepage. Want it to feel *alive*!

fri11s 💀 300 days ago

Couldn't wait until October 1st. Halloween theme is live!

fri11s 🥰 306 days ago

Added some new buttons to my links page and updated this month's weeknotes

fri11s 📰 319 days ago

Finally sorted out my blog RSS feed. I was just missing the template lol

fri11s 💀 320 days ago

Halloween theme code has been written. I am ready.

fri11s 💻 323 days ago

Been working on making a little image squisher tool with React

fri11s 👽 329 days ago

when is it socially acceptable to add a halloween theme to my website?

fri11s 🎨 331 days ago

considering relaxing my rules around not using imagery unless necessary. heavy compression though.

fri11s 🥗 332 days ago

Want to start a recipe collection on my site. Super easy/favourite meals

fri11s 🙂 333 days ago

Feeling so much better. Amazing what some solid days of rest and self care can do!

fri11s 🤒 339 days ago

covid strikes again. what variant are we on now?

fri11s 🎶 340 days ago

Greenman highlights: Voya, Melin Melyn, Self Esteem (obviously) and Sudan Archives

fri11s ✨ 341 days ago

Share your voice

fri11s 🐶 348 days ago

Dropped my dog off with her nanny and I miss her already

fri11s 🔥 350 days ago

dev domain impulse buy

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