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hello earthlings!

feeling mischievous...check out my site :3


freaksaint 💀 1 day ago

putting in overtime at the torture labyrinth

freaksaint 😶 2 days ago

i always have this feeling like i'm supposed to be doing something important but i don't know what it is

freaksaint 🌧️ 3 days ago

rain rain rain rain

freaksaint 😎 9 days ago

got the adderall script . we are so back

freaksaint 😛 22 days ago

making strawberry cupcakes and alfredo pasta from scratch but not bc its a holiday...FUCK AMERICA

freaksaint 💀 24 days ago

applying to jobs en masse and feeling my soul wither away in the process

freaksaint 📚 31 days ago

i wish my full time job was to go to the library and have fun

freaksaint 😇 34 days ago

its just me and this stale lemon brisk tea against the world

freaksaint 😡 39 days ago

why am i so tired UGHH *starts telepathically throwing shit w my mind*

freaksaint 🤒 41 days ago

day one trillion of having this stupid cold

freaksaint 🌧️ 44 days ago

the first sip of an ice cold sprite when ur throat is sore....transcendent

freaksaint 🙂 46 days ago

i will NOT form parasocial relationships with the entire cast of dropout....

freaksaint 😡 48 days ago

man im sick of this shit. why arent all libraries open 24 hours a day

freaksaint 👀 53 days ago

so close to being out of no money prison. SOOOO CLOSE

freaksaint 😭 55 days ago

wifi acting up while im trying to get my online work done....KILL KILL KILL

freaksaint 💤 56 days ago

napping and chilling awesomely

freaksaint 🤩 58 days ago

the most fun and awesome part of adhd medication is that sometimes it just straight up does not work

freaksaint 👀 60 days ago

how do i become the person that makes movie props look all scuffed up and worn out. i think id be so good at it

freaksaint 🙂 63 days ago

i yap for those who cannot yap for themselves

freaksaint 🙂 65 days ago

eats 2-3 delicious hard boiled eggs

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