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hey! i'm fox! :D come talk to me about silly things like coding and minecraft youtubers


foxbite 💤 276 days ago

so sleepy

foxbite ✈️ 284 days ago

let me on first class flights

foxbite ✈️ 296 days ago

sooo neurodivergent coded (insane abt public transit especially planes)

foxbite ❤️ 303 days ago

i do love jet lag the game

foxbite ❤️ 304 days ago

can we talk abt fyreuk

foxbite 🐶 305 days ago

dogy soon :3

foxbite ❤️ 307 days ago

fyreuk .......

foxbite 💤 308 days ago

zzzzz sleepy

foxbite 💤 319 days ago

soooooooo tired

foxbite 💤 323 days ago

guy who is sooooo sleepy

foxbite ✏️ 325 days ago

going to make refsheets of my favorite guys (not my ocs but basically my ocs atp)

foxbite 🐶 325 days ago

working late tomorrow BUT i get to hang out with one of my fave dogs sooo you win some you loose some :')

foxbite 💻 326 days ago

my artlog page and my journal page are formatted with txt files and php

foxbite ❤️ 326 days ago


foxbite 🎶 328 days ago

i wanna put you in the spotlight!!!!!!

foxbite 💻 334 days ago

renormalize rpf

foxbite 💤 335 days ago

self reminder i should make an art gallery that's more organized. like written blog style. or something

foxbite 💤 337 days ago

soooo tired

foxbite 💻 347 days ago

rpf is important. for the ecosystem

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