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its me. jackie. im one of them neocities peeps he/her or she/him. im 19


foolsparadise 😡 188 days ago

had the taco bell and my idiot dad completely ruined my order. thinking of killing him

foolsparadise 🌮 190 days ago

so excited for the weekend. hopefully i can get some taco bell on friday

foolsparadise 🐶 192 days ago

having nachos for dinner. maybe ill watch a movie?

foolsparadise 🍔 196 days ago

just ate onion rings a hamburger and chili from steak and shake i feel like im gonna bloowwww

foolsparadise 🌈 197 days ago

i MIGHT be the only tmbg fan ever btw

foolsparadise ☀️ 210 days ago

i got the comfiest and cutest jacket for christmas. plus a cool pair of pants. the jacket has a sun and moon on it!!

foolsparadise 💻 217 days ago


foolsparadise ☀️ 225 days ago

its my birthday today!! im 19!

foolsparadise 💻 229 days ago

making progress on the blog? birthdays in 4 days.

foolsparadise 😴 245 days ago

oh my god i cannot work on my site for the life of me. eventually. eventually

foolsparadise 🔥 261 days ago

recovering from le sickness...monkeeing around the whole time. new blog will be finished SOON. it MUST!

foolsparadise 😱 263 days ago

im probably getting sick. UGH!!!!!

foolsparadise 🍫 268 days ago

i had such a great halloween! i watched movies with my parents and ate candy and snacks

foolsparadise 🌧️ 269 days ago

im so close to remaking my blog i can almost feel it

foolsparadise 🧋 272 days ago

got my halloween costume just in being egon from ghostbusters!! i also got some starbucks and a pumpkin yesterday too.

foolsparadise 💀 279 days ago

ugh this chicken and biscuit soup SUCKS. my dad CANNOT cook

foolsparadise ❄️ 285 days ago

so touch starved and the only man i want is dead

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