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foobar 👽 3 days ago


foobar 👽 58 days ago

i feel a sharp pain in my chest, the end is near!

foobar 👽 176 days ago

they're 👽 here

foobar 👽 313 days ago


foobar 👽 375 days ago

shoutout to transferidor for escaping the glowies

foobar 👽 392 days ago

fully cooly

foobar 🌈 428 days ago

finally learning blender

foobar 👽 482 days ago

out of ideas recently, can't come up with anything interesting to add to my site

foobar 🙂 498 days ago

finally got the gran turismo 2001 album!!

foobar 🍦 507 days ago

eating whatsapp ice cream

foobar 😇 511 days ago

today i'm a yahoo digital camera enjoyer

foobar 💾 512 days ago

my site was down for a day, glad it's back up

foobar 🔥 513 days ago

using a dice to speedrun the latest assignment

foobar 😶 514 days ago

pretty uninspired lately

foobar 😎 515 days ago

metal face doom!!!

foobar 👽 520 days ago

a skeleton lives inside all of us, creepy

foobar 👽 523 days ago

(head explosion emoji)

foobar 🙂 525 days ago

im not in american psycho mood i swear

foobar 🍏 527 days ago

poetry is ilegal unless you're under the underground

foobar 🍣 527 days ago

javascript makes me hungry

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